The youth service is every Wednesday and starts at 7pm with fellowship and games. It ends at 9pm.

We have service on the 4th floor of Lakewood Church in the Loft and Café.

The youth service is for students 6th-12th grade. Parents can drop off their students at the main entrances and pick them up at the main entrances once the service is finished. Students will need their parent/guardian to sign them out if they have to leave before the service is finished.

Follow us on Instagram: @lakewoodyouth

We will worship God with a few songs, hear a message from the Bible, and have fun with youth games and fellowship. You will have fun, connect with people your age, and grow in your relationship with God.

No, just show up and have fun.

No, you can just show up. You will check in when you arrive and check out if you need to leave early. We would love for you to invite your friends in High School or Jr. High to attend with you as well!


The young adults service is every Thursday and starts at 7pm with community and connection. It ends at 9pm.

We have service on the 4th floor of Lakewood Church in the Loft and Café.

The young adults service is for young adults 18 to 30 years old. 

Follow us on Instagram: @lakewoodya

We will worship God with a few songs, hear a message from the Bible, and experience community. You will have fun, connect with people your age, and grow in your relationship with God.

No, just show up and have fun.


High School Camp is for students entering 9th – 12th grade in the Fall of 2024 and 2024 graduates. Junior High Camp is for students entering 6th – 8th grade in the Fall of 2024.

Jr. high camp is $290 and High School camp is $360.00 The cost covers room and board, transportation, a t-shirt and all meals and activities at the Summer Camp.

A down payment of $100 is needed to register and the remaining must be paid in full by July 15, 2024.

All leaders are approved Lakewood Church volunteers that have gone through a background check and completed trainings designed to prepare and equip them to work with students. All students will be divided into gender-specific LifeGroups with one leader for the entire camp.

LifeGroups are small groups of students led by a leader that helps them engage in a more personal discussion of sermon topics. Leaders facilitate conversations and guide them to biblical truth. Each student will be placed in a Life Group based on his or her grade level and gender.

Students will be assigned to a cabin based on gender. All cabins have air conditioning and heating, indoor plumbing, showers, and bunk beds. *DO NOT bring anything that is of value.

Students are allowed to call parents during any meal or free time. Students are NOT to be on their phone for any other reason except to take pictures. We want students to get the most of their summer camp experience without any distractions.

Some of the activities offered at the campsites are go karts, basketball, lake blob, basketball, volleyball, water slide and more. In addition to what the campsites have to offer, students will also have an opportunity to compete in team competitions and games led by their Ministry leaders.

After a student is registered, they will receive a complete packing list. Please keep in mind students will be outside during the day and do minimal walking over the campgrounds and engage in physical activities.

You will need to provide a snack and packed lunch for your student to eat on the way to camp. All other meals will be provided at the campsite. If your student has food allergies or diet restrictions, we ask that you note this when you are registering your child so we can compile it for our records and make proper accommodations.

On the day we leave for camp, all students will turn in their medication to our assigned Lakewood nurse who will be responsible for administering these medications to students.

Students may wish to bring spending money for snacks and extra “goodies” at camp. However, all meals are covered in the cost of camp fee. Please keep in mind not to send the student with something they wouldn’t want to come back home without.